Monday, June 14, 2010


So, I know I said a couple of pretty vague things at the end of my last update, so, I'll do my best to quickly explain before I go onto camp since early last week. I was driving another intern's car back from a church on the east side of the city. I was diving kids back from a game time to the common ground building. I don't think I hit anything so my best guess is the front right tire just blew. I was in the middle lane and eventually got over to the left shoulder. We were all okay. Eventually we got the kids out and Micah, Maurice and I with the help of the cops (it did take about 45 minutes for them to get there after we called) got the spare on and then a new tire.

In our training time we've been going over two things: racial reconciliation and kingdom theology/the kingdom of God. I think it is safe to say that my world has been rocked, shaken, or wrecked (or whatever other simile you'd like to use). But I won't go into detail on that now. I need time (and probably a lot of it) to process and apply before I say too much. I will say that one of my cultural blinders to Scripture has been somewhat moved, or at the very least, is now seen to exist: God's justice and mercy. I've seen how I have skipped/not read/but mostly skipped so many passages because its not part of my cultured thinking.

Earlier I mentioned Kingdom theology (see my preceding post). If I didn't, then well....yeah. Kingdom theology. Well, as Mark Driscoll put it: we must be careful to avoid reductionism (paraphrase). This has hit me in the face with mercy and justice as well as the kingdom. I was and am amazed how I misinterpret and skip so much of what Scripture teaches because its the norm. As Tim Keller said, every culture has come cultural blinders to Scripture (paraphrase).

But I must refocus before I go too far down the rabbit trail. Expect more of the Kingdom soon (since it is one of the things we're studying in our training time and it's been hitting me a good bit. Basically, the King is Jesus and he has a kingdom. It is here but not here fully (yet). Because we don't live in a society with a king I found for me its hard to understand a lot of what the people of Israel knew as second nature. It's been really awesome learning more about it.

But I need to go to bed and since I titled this 6/14/10, I need to finish this before midnight. So, look for more in the future! I'm excited to see what God will reveal tomorrow and kinda hesitant as well, because I know God is about to wreck me some more, which is not the most enjoyable experience initially.

So, as always, in Christ the King,

1 comment:

  1. God is so mindful of us isnt HE..He loves you enough to 'wreck' ya world and then provide Grace for you to understand clearly what He is saying and doing among the Nations. SO thankful for you being with us this summer. :)
    Thank you for laboring along side of us

