Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hey y'all! I hope things are going well for all my readers and your families. I just got back from dropping off a van full (and I mean that in its fullest sense) of kids in the neighborhood by the Common Ground Montgomery building. It actually didn't take near as long as I initially expected.

Usually we go bowling on Tuesdays but today the staff decided to take the older boys to see a movie, since we hadn't gone yet. We saw The Karate Kid. It was good, even though it was the second time I've seen it. I never thought that taking a huge group of kids to see a movie would be as draining as playing paintball...it is.

Last night we had a free night. It was needed. I went with Brittany Sonnier, Ava, Meaghan, and Anna Laura to watch Josh's (staff guy) softball game. His team won. It was good to get out a relax for a couple of hours.

This past week we finally moved into the intern house! We're excited. I'm excited. I'll try to add some pictures soon. I forgot my camera battery charger so you'll be seeing a lot more pictures posted when that happens. The guys have two bedrooms downstairs and the girls have three upstairs. There's a big room that I think is supposed to be a hangout room but I'm not sure if any guys have ventured that far yet.

The big thing at the house now is getting it cleaned and looking like someone lives there. We currently have no furniture in the house. We hope to have a table and couch in there sometime soon. So, if you have something you'd like to donate, I'm sure Common Ground Montgomery would gladly accept.

I'm getting to know all the interns and staff and am loving it. God really brought together a great group of interns and the staff is awesome! Our notebooks have pictures of all of the inters with our names under our pictures so I'll try to remember to take a picture of that and share it with you.

This morning in our time alone with God (TAWG) we studied Deuteronomy 10:17-18, Leviticus 19:15, Proverbs 18:21, and 1 Timothy 5:21. The common theme of these verses is partiality and impartiality. I was really convicted by these verses and how direct and clear they were. In it I not only saw God's heart for justice but how he called us to the same. God, through His word more helped me realize how most, if not all of my life is set up to serve my partiality. That was and is a tough pill to swallow.

On the flip side, as Fred pointed out, I have to be careful not to go to the other extreme to where I sin the same way against those I feel more comfortable with. Read those verses if you want. I'd love to know what you think.

Well, its time for supper and then we have a Bible study with B.K., so I think this is goodbye for now. God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I love hearing about how the Lord is moving in your life as well as the others! Thank you for all that you do, I know its draining, but the eternal investment is so worth,as I am sure you know!
    Grace and Peace
